Guide for resetting user-id

Guide for resetting user-id

Guide for resetting user-id

  1. Log on with your DAP-administration user-id here: https://gws.cpr.dk/cpr-online-gws,

  2. Click ‘DAP’ and afterwards ‘Personkode’ (user-id) in the menu to the left,

  3. Type in the user-id, which needs a new one-time-password and click ‘Send’,

  4. In ‘Aktion’ find ‘Skift kendeord’ (change password),

  5. Fill in ‘Send på e-mail’ (send to email) and type the email address that belongs to the owner, that needs to receive a one-time-password in ‘Kendeord Email-adresse’ (password email address) and click ‘Send’,

  6. An email with a one-time-password will be delivered automatically to the email address.



If the user-id is ACCOUNT_EXPIRED or LOCKED the user-id must be reactivated by first select ‘Ret Personkode’ in ‘Aktion’ and then click ‘Aktiver’ (Enable) in ‘Aktiver/Inaktiver’ (Enable/Disable). Press "Send".

Then select ‘Skift kendeord’ (change password) in ‘Aktion’, fill in ‘Send på e-mail’ (send to email) and type the email address that belongs to the owner, that needs to receive a one-time-password. Click ‘Send’.
A new one-time-password will be delivered automatically to the email.