Guide for activating/deactivating user-id profiles

Guide for activating/deactivating user-id profiles

How to activate/deactivate user-id profiles

DAP-administrator can activate/deactivate user-id profiles, eg. profile 100 (ajourføring/update), 140 (sletning af abonnement/deleting subscription) and 127 (adgang til loggen/access to the log).

NOTE: Profile 100 and profile 140 can not be active at the same time.

 NOTE: DAP-administrator can not add/remove profile 200 (DAP-administrator rights). These rights must be added/removed by CPR Servicedesk by creating a ticket in CPR Servicedesk.


Activating/deactivating user-id profiles:

  1. Log on with your DAP-administration user-id here: https://gws.cpr.dk/cpr-online-gws

  2. Click ‘DAP’ and afterwards ‘Personkode’ (user-id) in the menu to the left

  3. In ”Personkode” type in the user-id, which needs to be updated

  4. Click ‘Send’ in the dark blue line above

  5. In ‘Aktion’ (Action) click ‘Ret Personkode’ (update user-id)

  6. Click on the relevant user-id profile

  7. Under ”Ændring/oprettelse af en Personkode Profil”: (Changing/creating a user-id profile):

7.1 In the field ”Aktiv/Inaktiv” (active/inactive), click ”Aktiv” (active) or ”Inaktiv” (inactive)

7.2 In the field ”Gældende fra” (valid from) insert the date the change is to take effect  
           from (today or forward in time) in the format: DDMMYYYY

7.3 Click ”OK”

  1. Click “Send” in the dark blue line above.

 The user-id profiles is updated.