Guide for disabling user-id

Guide for disabling user-id

Guide for disabling user-id

A user-id can be disabled by entering a date in the field "Gældende til" (Valid until). The user-id will be disabled from the date and forward.

When there is a date older than 7 months in the field "Gældende til" (Valid until) on a user-id, the user-id is no longer displayed in DAP when a batch job has been run. The batch job runs on the last weekday in the month. 

NOTE: If there are DAP-administrator rights (profile 200) on the user-id, these rights must be removed by CPR Servicedesk by creating a ticket in CPR Servicedesk.

Disabling user-id:

  1.  Log on with your DAP-administration user-id here: https://gws.cpr.dk/cpr-online-gws

  2. Click ‘DAP’ and afterwards ‘Personkode’ (user-id) in the menu to the left

  3. Type in the user-id, which needs to be disabled

  4. Click ‘Send’ in the dark blue line above

  5. In ‘Aktion’ (Action) click ‘Ret Personkode’ (update user-id)

  6. Fill in ‘Gældende til’ (Valid until) with the relevant date (today or in the future) in the format: DDMMYYYY

  7. Click ‘Send’ in the dark blue line above.

The user-id is disabled from the date and forward.