Guide for whitelisting IP address
Guide for whitelisting IP address
Guide for whitelisting IP address
Log on with your DAP-administration user-id.
Click ‘DAP’ and afterwards ’IP-Adresse’ (IP address) in the menu on the left.
Note! There is only IP address control in production. Therefore, IP addresses must NOT be entered in DEMO!
Select ‘Ret IP-adresse’ (Update IP address) in ‘Aktion’
Click ’Tilføj ny IP-adresse’ (Add new IP address) below ’IP-adresser’ (IP addresses).
Enter the IP address in the field 'IP-adresse', and the date from which the IP address should apply, in the field 'Gældende fra' (Valid from). This date is usually today's date. The format is DDMMYYYY.
Click ’OK’.
Click ’Send’ to save the change.
The IP address is added.